What is Chi

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What Is Chi?

The book for everyone! It offers an in-depth yet comprehensive study of Chi and is not limited to Martial Artists, Medical industry, Spiritualists, therapists or Meta-physicists. Everyone can have an interesting and rewarding journey enhanced by helpful reading tips, numerous visual aids, over 160 Illustrations, Diagrams, Charts, and photos. Each chapter begins with a You Are Here flow chart to makes it easy for the reader to see how the material covered within a chapter relates to the material of other chapters. So, everyone can benefit and will enjoy this exploration of the multi-faceted explanations of just what Chi is?Just view the Sample Pages below, see for yourself.

Sample Pages

Motorcycles, For Women Only
by Jude Brady Smallwood.

Motorcycles, For Women Only by Jude Brady Smallwood transcends lady motorcyclists because it appeals to all people of all ages, men, youth, grandpas, grandmas, non-cyclists, beginners and pros alike. The common thread that runs through all of these readers was that they got an inside revelation of lady bikers and absolutely loved this book! Jude's sagas, advice, loads of pictures and maintenance attempts, successes and stories will leave you awe-struck or in stitches. She learned to navigate through complex specs and manuals and decided to share her experiences with all other bikers. What started out as a how-to book for her female pals exploded into a story of challenge, remarkable women champions, and amusing tales. So, hang on for the ride. It’s a doozy!

What Is Chi?

Finally an informative yet enjoyable book that reveals the ancient secrets of Chi and the practices that can make its benefits available to anyone. Written by a Chinese Master, this volume is intended for the instructor, the beginner, the advanced student or...the just plain curious!

More by Jude
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